Player name: Gromova, IuliaSee rating chart
Most recent federation:   Russia
Date of birth: different dates of birth given
Most recent ID: 4152832
Sex: woman
  list        pos  Player_ID  Name                                 Title Fed  Rtng   +/-  Gms   Birthday   Sex  Flag 
Oct 2001    16814=  4152832  Gromova, Iulia                              RUS  2162     0    0  1985.11.01   w        
Jul 2001    16915=  4152832  Gromova, Iulia                              RUS  2162    +6   13  1984.08.08   w        
Apr 2001    17785=  4152832  Gromova, Iulia                              RUS  2156   -29   11  1984.08.08   w        
Jan 2001    14520=  4152832  Gromova, Iulia                              RUS  2185     0    0               w        
Oct 2000    14524=  4152832  Gromova, Iulia                              RUS  2185     0    0  1984.08.08   w        
Jul 2000    14274=  4152832  Gromova, Iulia                              RUS  2185     0    0  1984.08.08   w        
Jan 2000    13519=  4152832  Gromova, Iulia                              RUS  2185         24               w